UFCFEL-15-3 Security Data Analytics and Visualisation

This page provides a reference for the Security Data Analytics and Visualisation module, that runs in the Autumm term. For the 2023-24 academic year, we are releasing a 2nd edition of the online SDAV book, which you will find linked below. We have also provided audio chapters in podcast format, to make each chapter more accessible to listen to in preparation for each teaching session. The previous Video Lecture series are still available via YouTube, however students have reported low audio recording issues on some videos, hence the move to podcast format to improve this. All materials can also be accessed via Binder, as a quick and easy way to explore the practical notebooks using an online interactive instance of JupyterLab. It is recommended that you install and configure JupyterLab locally for your module assignment.


The SDAV book is organised such that each chapter will be used in each teaching session. Please refer to the section "How to use this learning resources" for more information.

The SDAV book also contains activity chapters that will form the guidance for your non-assessed practical work. You will be directed on this during the in-class discussions and practical sessions.

Practical Videos

The following videos are taken from the original SDAV Video Lecture Series. They provide a deeper exploration into some of the practical activities from the SDAV book.

Assessed Portfolio Work

All assessed work is only available via Blackboard.

Useful References